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I looked for the same thing a few months ago, and found the exact same project, and came to the same conclusions. I was also targeting OpenGL 2.0. So I rewrote most of luagl to something usable, and started building a 3d engine in pure lua. Its personnal work not intendend for release, so it's not well documented, but I tried to be clean so it should be straightforward to understand. If you want to have a look I can put it online.

-----Message d'origine-----
De : [] De la part de Wesley Smith
Envoyé : 5 octobre 2006 18:21
À : Lua list
Objet : LuaGL

Is anyone working on the LuaGL project here?  Looking at the page (, it hasn't been updated since 2004.  I'm looking for really simple opengl wrappers for lua.  I don't want a game engine or anything like that and this seems to be the best project I've found so far.  I'm curious if the developers are on this list as I'd like to bring this project up to speed with OpenGL 2.0 and I haven't found any contact info on the sourceforget page.
