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Is there any guidelines for writing C libraries for lua aviable
somewhere ? If not, why not having a such page, maybe on the
website or ...

For example, what is the best way to implement luaopen_* functions, How
to register userdata's metatables and things like that.

Something else, I have my own way to register metatables which use
luaL_newmetatable with uri like the ones used in XML namespaces (xmlns)
to avoid collisions. For example:

void L);
lua_State* L) {
	if(luaL_newmetatable(L, "";)){
		lua_pushliteral(L, "key")
		lua_rawset(L, -3);

Using it:

	/* create the metatable*/
	lua_setmetatable(L, -2);

Is it the best way to do it ?
Does evryone uses unique URI like me ? if not, how to avoid collisions
in the registery between libraries ?

Mildred       <> <>
Clef GPG :    <hkp://> ou <>
Fingerprint : 197C A7E6 645B 4299 6D37 684B 6F9D A8D6 [9A7D 2E2B]

Mildred       <> <>
Clef GPG :    <hkp://> ou <>
Fingerprint : 197C A7E6 645B 4299 6D37 684B 6F9D A8D6 [9A7D 2E2B]