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The ms mods would be appreciated.


On 1/10/06, Chris Marrin <> wrote:
> D Burgess wrote:
> > Amongst those of us who think this is worthwhile doing, there
> > appears to be some consensus. Certainly we have common aims.
> >
> > May I suggest an incremental approach:
> >
> > 1) Lets decide on a library name e.g. osext or osex  are my
> > suggestions.
> >
> > 2) Implement a handful of functions that are currently in use by
> > one or more of us. putenv/setenv/stat would be a fair start.
> > I personally like Luiz's get/set/put env that is in the posix library.
> >
> > 3) Find someone to own (moderate) the library growth. If Luiz
> > and/or Diego would like to take on the role? this would be a
> > good thing.
> >
> > Initial aims:
> >
> > a) not fat
> > b) cross platform (e.g. mac/unix/win)
> > c) "carefully specifying and documenting a set of useful
> > interfaces which are commonly available on most platforms, as well as a
> > simple means of discovering whether the given interface exists" - thanks
> > Rici
> Seems like Luiz's posix library would satisfy all my needs, at least for
> file related and putenv functions. This is a pretty tiny library, so I
> don't think subsetting is needed. And it appears to be able to run on
> Win32, Mac OS X and Linux, although I haven't tested it. It needs some
> docs, unless there are some hiding somewhere I haven't found.
> It also only compiles with mingw on Win32, so it needs to be fixed to
> work with MSDev. I can provide the MSDev 7.1 mods and vcproj files for.
> --
> chris marrin              ,""$, "As a general rule,don't solve puzzles
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