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> On Sun, Jul 03, 2005 at 01:27:55AM -0700, Vijay Aswadhati wrote:
> > software is not really 'free' as in 'freedom'.
> Brr...
> If you speak of freedom, in the sense of Free Software, and you think
> GPL software is not Free.. may be you missed something.

Is that 'Brr...' a restrained 'Grrr' ;-). No I did not miss anything.
But countless others may have... 

> So maybe you are talking of free beer saying 'free' as in 'freedom'.

No I am not. Let me see if an analogy helps: GPL is like 'Godfather' - I
do you a favor and I will want a favor in return later and return you

It is the MUST that bothers me. I believe it should be at my choice. One
might point out that if it bothers me then I should not be using the GPL
software - very true and the answer is I don't.

We could talk more about it over a 'free' beer if you happen to attend
the Lua workshop in San Jose.

Vijay Aswadhati