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Based on the arguments so far, isn't a newsgroup what we need?

It is as easy to use as a mailing list (if not easier),
threads are properly organized,
unread messages are immediately identifiable,
all messages are stored locally, so the search is fast,
it has all the editing features of a rich mail client (spell checker, better UI than a simple edit box, HTML, attachments, etc),
like a forum (and unlike a mailing list), there may be different groups for different categories - general programming, patches, packages, C API, language requests, announcements, etc.
you don't have to give your email when you reply,
sending replies is easy,
posting to the group and CC to somebody else is easy,
sending a direct email is easy, if the OP provided his address, etc.

I personally dislike web-based interfaces (forums, web-mail, etc) I've been burned too many times, when I send a message, the connection fails, and my message gets lost. I have to remember to copy it to the clipboard before sending, just in case.

I currently use one mailing list, one web forum, and multiple newsgroups. The newsgroups are by far the easiest to use. I keep Outlook Express opened at all times and it gives me instant access to mail, newsgroups, even Messenger.

I have no idea what is involved in setting up and maintaining a newsgroup or a news server. Maybe it will be easy to create a web interface, maybe it can be set up to require account and password, so we don't allow spammers and trolls, maybe the archiving of old posts is not possible or hard to do. Also I don't know what is available on other platforms other than Windows/Outlook Express. So please, pardon my ignorance... :)) I'm sure there are people here more knowledgeable than me on the subject.

BTW, about a year ago Microsoft tried to replace one of its private news servers with a web-based forum. The whole community disliked the idea and refused to use the forums, so MS was forced to switch back to the newsgroups. The arguments were again: ease of use, fast searching, better UI, etc.

Best regards