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At 19:38 28/01/2004, you wrote:
> A lua script can call a function 'io.enablesecurity("password")' which will
> disable all these functions, until 'io.disablesecurity("password")' is
> called.

Wouldn't a better solution be something like this:

function secure_wrapper(user_code, ...)
        local execute = os.execute
        os.execute = nil
        local r = user_code(unpack(arg))
        os.execute = execute
        return r

Yes, this would be better - I'd need to do some wrapping around that since that code would need to be written by a user (an 'administrator' user), so it'd be nicer for us if it was easier to use for a novice - but that's a simple 'wrapping' problem - not too hard I don't expect.

Paul				VPOP3 - Internet Email Server/Gateway