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Hi all.
	I profit of the fact that a therat regarding C+ and Lua have
been recently posted to open another one not totally similar but really
close in my opinion.

	In fact something disturb me when I look that we integrat
directly Lua C API elements in our C++ classes. We see the integration
of lua_State directly in our classes definition. Is disturb me because
it turn our classes dependant of the Lua system so all our dev will be
dependant of it. Of course I know that, during the analyse of the
development choice must be made and once they've been made
implementation follow. 

	But is there a way to associate Lua system to a classe without
directly integrate Lua functions in our classes definition ?
	Is there a way to define an "Interface" classe that take Lua
fonctionnality and will be responsible of method to export ?

Any ideas or advices on this ?
