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On Jun 27, 2003 at 05:11 -0400, Peter Loveday wrote:
> What are the "official" names for DLLs for loadlib() modules to use?
> I have seen some distributions/modules things "lua5.dll" and "lualib5.dll",
> and others "lua50dll.dll" (which seems somewhat redundant), and probably
> other variants also.
> Given that LuaCom uses "lua5.dll" and "lualib5.dll", can I assume that these
> are the 'official' names that thing should follow?  I really think we need a
> defined standard here, if there is to be any compatibility between modules.

FWIW, to add to the confusion, luacheia uses "liblua-5.dll" and
"liblualib-5.dll" on Win32.

Thatcher Ulrich