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The Wilson+Johnstone scheme is very time efficient because it needs no sweep phase.

But it is less space efficient than other schemes because it segregates objects into size classes, which can cause fragmentation, and requires two links per object.

The size classes don't seem to be a problem in practice. I do sweep large objects and that eliminates most of the problem there. Since there are very few large objects, the excess cost of that is minimal.

If an overhead of two links per object were too much, as it would be for LISP cons pairs for example, then that could be a problem. For a language where the main object is a hash table I don't think it should be a problem. And memory is cheap now days.

On Sunday, June 1, 2003, at 09:50 AM, Wim Couwenberg wrote:

Do you feel the scheme you implemented would be suitable for Lua?

--- james mccartney   <>
SuperCollider - a real time audio synthesis programming language for MacOS X.