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> This latest offering compiles with no warnings on Win32 using 
Borland C.

Sorry, I have to disagree I get the following warnings when compiling 
with Borland C++ 5.5.1

Warning W8004 lundump.c 229: 'x' is assigned a value that is never 
used in function LoadHeader
Warning W8004 ldo.c 256: 'ci' is assigned a value that is never used 
in function luaD_precall
Warning W8071 lgc.c 161: Conversion may lose significant digits in 
function traversetable
Warning W8071 ltm.c 52: Conversion may lose significant digits in 
function luaT_gettm
Warning W8004 lvm.c 289: 'tm' is assigned a value that is never used 
in function luaV_equalval
Warning W8004 lparser.c 964: 'lineexp' is assigned a value that is 
never used in function whilestat
Warning W8001 lstate.c 103: Superfluous & with function in function 
Warning W8001 lapi.c 684: Superfluous & with function in function 
Warning W8001 lapi.c 718: Superfluous & with function in function 
Warning W8004 llex.c 205: 'l' is assigned a value that is never used 
in function read_numeral
Warning W8071 lstrlib.c 376: Conversion may lose significant digits 
in function match

Otherwise looking very good indeed. Thanks.