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> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Martin Spernau
> Sent: February 11, 2003 1:25 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list
> Subject: Re: wxWindows vs. FLTK
> As I mentioned before, I'm aware that very little of what ideas are
> discussed for LuaCheia are in any way new ideas.
> My goal was to collect all the ideas, and maybe rediscover 
> some that are a
> little buried by time :)

I wasn't criticising, there may be a lot of useful material to you in
the lua-l archive around the pointer I gave you.

> Sorry if I was maybe 'thinking out loud' too much, but I have 
> the impression
> that it sometimes pays to re-state ideas that have been there before.

Its nice to see a buzz of excitement. Lets hope something comes of this.
(Lets hope that SF project appears soon - and a new mailing list appears

> Nick: would you be willing to exand the Rio base for LuaCheia?

I can share some ideas with you and tell you what my intentions were
(rio is unfinished). I have very limited spare time and other priorities
so I cant promise to contribute a great deal. I don't want to take over
your new project and not contribute either! :) 
