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From: "Joe Stewart" <>
> I put the files on in users/jstewart/*, but couldn't
> figure out how to properly point your page to the files... any

I think the way they are linked now is ok.

I've only had a short look at the code yet, so I can't say too much. One
thing I noticed was that you popen() .lua files to run scripts.
Maybe that could be done more directly via dofile() or such... I don't have
the details now, but a while back I saw some nice code to 'sandbox' external
Lua code inside another script...
I will try and look into this after the weekend when I find some time again.

>From my own experiments with libwebserver, I'm now more and more convinced
that doing the main loop in Lua would be my goal, if only for flexibility.
In the long run I'd also like to try using coroutines for handling more than
one request at a time. This would esp. be important if dealing not with
static content (which is more-or-less piping a file to stdout) but with
dynamically generated content that might take more time to generate.

Thanks for all the contributions and suggestions,
