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> > Yeah, it is scary. You also have to fit in all your 
> content: terrain, 
> > models, textures, sound, animations, screen buffers, etc.
> The advantage of a console is that you can do all that easily 
> within 64MB.  Especially given that consoles tend to have 
> lower quality texture/sound files, simply because today's 
> TV's can't really support much better.  Maybe once HDTV hits off...

It's not as easy as you think... today's console games have a huge
amount of content, like mountains that don't have fixed runs and you can
roam all over.

> This is why I'll always prefer PC gaming.  Not to mention 
> consoles' best RPG is the FF series (New in version XI - 
> *less* gameplay than FMV!!) while computers are constantly 
> churning out top-quality games, like Baldur's Gate series.
> Which use Lua.  ~,^

So do some console games I know of...
