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On Mon, Dec 11, 2023 at 5:12 PM rzvxa <> wrote:

I would really appreciate it if we don't go the Google Groups route.
It really alienates the non-Gmail users, and the idea of manually inviting every new user with a non-Gmail account isn't going to work in the long run.

I understand the state of modern emails and how hard it is to get a trusted mail server up and running, But there should be a better option out there.

Is FreeLists still a thing? If I'm not mistaken luajit is still using FreeLists.

I'm concerned about this Since I can't be the only one who doesn't use a Gmail account as their primary email. Even if I and every other subscriber on the list get an invitation to the Google Group this move is going to make joining the mailing list a harder process for newcomers.

Kind Regards,
Ali Rezvani

It's worth noting that you do not need to switch to Gmail to use a Google account. A Google account can be created with any email address, including competing freemail services like and similar. Such accounts won't have Gmail, but will still have most of the other features of a Google account.

I acknowledge that this is not enough to satisfy everyone, as some will be opposed to doing anything with Google, period. But I wanted to make sure it was clear that if you are okay with making a Google account, you do not need to switch to Gmail in order to do so.