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Glu is a cross-platform GUI for running Lua scripts.  The app includes
a statically embedded Lua interpreter (v 5.4.6) as well as built-in
functions and modules that allow Lua programmers to create 2D graphics
and interactive applications.

Glu is free, open source (MIT license) and runs on Windows/Mac/Linux.
Download links and screenshots can be found here:

Main changes in this release:

* Fixed a bug that limited the size of a TrueType font file to 8MB.
Glu now supports arbitrarily large TrueType fonts, especially those
with CJK characters.

* The cv.font function recognizes a new "symbol" font which uses
NotoSansSymbols2-Regular.ttf.  Scripts/Samples/symbols.lua displays
all 2,923 glyphs in this font, along with their hexadecimal codes
(clicking on a glyph copies "\u{hexcode}" into the clipboard):

I've also added Klondike.lua to the curated collection (download it
by selecting "Download Script..." from Glu's File menu).  This is a
simple implementation of the classic solitaire card game that uses
glyphs from the symbol font:
