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On Fri, 28 Jul 2023 18:13:41 -0300
Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo <> wrote:

> We commemorate 30 years of Lua today: The earliest implementation of
> Lua that we have found to date has files dated 28 Jul 1993.

I'm using Lua since about 25 years. Congratulations and thank you:
Lua has advanced the world and enriched my life.
Not only it provided solutions to innumerous problems, it also brought
about a huge amount of fun in programming for work and leisure. I've
built air cargo logistics and routers with it, I'm teaching it to kids,
and I use it on old homecomputers. And most of all, I do prototypes
with it: Sometimes the prototypes are so good that there's no reason
not to deploy them. :-)

Timm S. Mueller <>
Tel. 030 85610000,