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On Wed, Mar 31, 2021 at 12:10 PM Sol Salpagarov <> wrote:
> "Lack of consensus" is still here and I don't see how creating another GitHub organization can overcome it. Perhaps the community around LuaRocks would be more effective. But it is up to the owner to decide.

I think Hisham should be involved in any discussion about the role of
the LuaRocks organization, and perhaps he will say that the purpose of
LuaRocks is to catalog and distribute modules, not maintain them. And
if LuaRocks is a home for libraries, why some and not others? It seems
like the kind of endorsement that  a package manager maintainer does
not want to make.

Thijs just offered to rescue some libraries which I no longer had the
bandwidth to look after further. I had to put them up for adoption
which is always a sad thing, but only way they can keep alive and well

steve d.