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> It may indeed have been a new question, but the question was about "a loop
> _in pure lua code_ that does not ever call a hook
> function", not about signals. And I believe the question can be qualified
> further so that the "pure Lua code" does not directly or indirectly call
> any library, including built-in library, code. The only permissible
> "native" code would be Lua itself (without libs) and the (custom) memory
> allocator. Assuming the latter is always bounded, the expected answer is
> that "eventually a hook function will be called" - is that the case in Lua
> 5.4?

If there are no signals, then there are two cases:
- there was already a line hook set when the loop starts
- there was no hook when the loop starts

For the first case, Lua will eventually call the hook; for the second
case, Lua will never call the (inexistent) hook.

-- Roberto
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