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On Wed, 1 Apr 2020 at 22:05, Francesco Abbate <> wrote:
> Dear Lua friends,
> I have recently prepared a beta release of the new Elementary Plot library.
> It is something I created from the code of a previous project, the Lua
> graphics toolkit.
> The more important difference is that the new project is completely
> separated from the Lua implementation and it comes with a very clean
> and simple C and C++ interface.
> I have added the Lua bindings by wrapping the C++ interface using the
> sol2 library (
> By providing a C and C++ interface the library is more widely usable
> without sacrificing the Lua bindings.
> The other improvement to the library is mostly invisible but I
> improved the code so that it can be more easy in the future to make
> enhancements or modifications.
> The Elementary Plot library is published on Github:
> and here is the project's homepage:
> and the User's manual:
> The library works on Windows and on Linux and it offers integration
> with the FOX Toolkit. It is the only toolkit supported for the moment.
> Work to integrate with wxwidgets is ongoing.
> The library has minimal dependencies. What is required is the AGG
> library and Freetype library. If you want you can install it in a
> blink of the eye using the little library helper (
> ) but you don't have to. The build
> system is based on Meson and can be compiled using the meson commands
> provided the required libraries are installed.

Hi Francesco,

Nice project.
Just some feedback:

I think the AGG library is unmaintained? A plotting library for Lua is
very useful but dependency on unmaintained libraries is a problem.
This was a blocker for me when I looked at your plotting library

Also why not create plain Lua bindings instead of using sol2? I think
using any intermediate layer makes your library less usable, as not
everyone will use sol2.
