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On Thu, Jan 30, at 04:51 Coda Highland wrote:

> But C++ isn't THAT complicated. If you're an experienced programmer (so
> you're not wasting time learning fundamentals like "what is a variable"
> "what is a function" "what is a class"), you can learn everything you need
> to know about C++ in a few months. You're not going to learn the entire C++
> standard library specification cover-to-cover in that span of time, but you
> don't need to do that any more than you need to learn every class and every
> method in the standard libraries of Java or Python.
> Like PHP and Javascript, C++ is a language that people love to hate, but
> the only reason it gets that much hate is because it's everywhere (you
> don't see people complaining about Pascal anymore!) which means there's a
> lot of opportunities to see its warts. If you come at C++ fresh, with an
> open mind, and you learn the stuff that actually matters instead of trying
> to delve into all of the varieties of historical baggage and all of the
> intricacies of each little thing, you'll find that it really isn't much
> different of a day-to-day experience than any other language you might use.

With regards to "come to fresh/open mind" thing, i found this invaluable:

> After all, at the end of the day, C++ programmers are still programmers,
> and we don't want to deal with in-your-face complexity every time we sit
> down; the whole point of having tools and libraries is to keep that
> complexity hidden away so that you don't have to worry about it.

This same argument holds for Lua case too. I mean that's the whole point of
this discussion, and what Sean is trying to do from what we've seen.

> So yeah, C++ has all of the qualifications it would need to be in the
> running for the One True Language, but it never really got that kind of
> zealous hype surrounding it.

It's not about the hype here, as is about the reality and the reality is this
about C++, especially when we are talking for C++17. The language looks that
is walking happily in this evolution (sanity) path for years and it seems to
do that quite fast and without hesitations to admit its warts (which quite
logically exists at some point in every scratch code). The thing that is really
paradox here, is that almost every language was written in C, yet C is compiled
today by C++ :-).

> /s/ Adam

Regards, ag