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Yes, exactly. But C is there to rule them all. :-)


On Wed, Jan 29, 2020 at 5:21 PM Roberto Ierusalimschy
<> wrote:
> > On a recent thread ("Dead Batteries" ) I argued that Lua lost terrain over
> > Python.
> >
> > I won't bother anyone repeating what I already said, but I stumbled on this
> > article which may explain something:
> >
> >
> 1970: PL/I will be the language to rule them all.
> 1980: Ada will be the language to rule them all.
> (1990: C++ will be the language to rule them all.)
> 2000: Java will be the language to rule them all.
> 2010: JavaScript will be the language to rule them all.
> 2020: Python will be the language to rule them all.
> The dogs bark, the caravan marches on.
> -- Roberto