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It was thus said that the Great Russell Haley once stated:
> If I had more than an observers experience with the jam tools, I'd argue
> (for the sake of argument and not to dictate) that the Lua team should move
> over to jam and jamplus (jam + Lua!) as it's completely cross platform, MIT
> licensed and understands C dependencies. 

  Please no.  We already have enough build systems (Make, CMake, ant, maven,
a whole bunch more I'm blanking on right now), each horrible in its own way.

  Oh, and there's this bit of news:

	Please Note: Perforce is no longer actively contributing to the Jam
	Open Source project. The last Perforce release of Jam was version
	2.6 in August of 2014. We will keep the Perforce-controlled links
	and information posted here available until further notice.


  -spc (How many build tools do I need to install now?)