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Hi Russell,

> My memory is a little faded now (too many other things in the old
> spounge) but I recall that the ZeroBrane "installer" (air quotes to
> differentiate from a true MSI) didn't add anything to the Programs and
> Files (i.e. MSI database) on my system. Can you confirm that it does
> not use the Windows installation database?

It does not; it uses a custom installer that doesn't modify anything
in the registry or the Windows installation database. The only change
to the system (other than copying the files) is that it adds a
shortcut to the Start menu. In all other aspects the installation is
completely portable and can be moved to a different folder or drive.

> Also - and this question is just my musings as it is way outside my
> current scope - I had wondered about distributing ZB Studio. I noticed
> your website has a donation request prior to download. What is your
> position on someone packaging ZB in another installer? To answer my
> own quandary I think I would offer a link to the ZB website instead.

I don't have a simple answer, because of the possibility for a
trademark conflict and confusion. I'll email you my thoughts on this.
