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On 24/02/17 06:51 AM, Martin wrote:
On 02/19/2017 06:48 PM, Soni L. wrote:
Typecheck is a Lua module for checking types. It uses annotation-style
checks and depends on APow[1].
On 02/20/2017 06:05 AM, Soni L. wrote:
True is a simple module that evaluates to true. It is also the smallest
Lua module ever.
On 02/23/2017 02:44 PM, Soni L. wrote:
Propagate is a module for cleanly propagating error/status codes to the
With such fertile production of new modules you'll probably need
your own maillist.

-- Martin

True is a joke. Typecheck was a personal experiment that went right. Propagate is something that ppl have asked for in the past. (I mean, they'd rather do it without annotating their method, but I don't think they'd mind the annotation.)

TODO list:

- Try-catch with coroutines, with built-in propagation. (similar to java)
- The "Return" function. This is how I'm gonna implement the next version(s) of Typecheck and Propagate. I've talked about this before.

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