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It was thus said that the Great Martin once stated:
> Thank you for clarifying, guys!
> Now I see that requirement of non-negative remainder is quite practical
> and well-binded with mathematical rings of natural numbers.
> Sadly (as I understand from similar discussions before) Lua
> implementation is heavily linked with ANSI C and Roberto generally not
> willing to introduce changes in logic that is different from ANSI C.
> Although I consider "%" and math.mod() behavior change worth it.

  Further fuel for the fire.  I did three different versions of mod---one in
assembly (x86 32bit), C (x86 32bit) and Lua 5.3 (x86 32bit).  The results:

[spc]lucy:/tmp>./mod 7 3
A: 2 1
C: 2 1
L: 2 1
[spc]lucy:/tmp>./mod -7 3
A: -2 -1
C: -2 -1
L: -3 2
[spc]lucy:/tmp>./mod 7 -3
A: -2 1
C: -2 1
L: -3 -2
[spc]lucy:/tmp>./mod -7 -3
A: 2 -1
C: 2 -1
L: 2 -1

  -spc (Make of that what you will)