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It was thus said that the Great KHMan once stated:
> On 1/29/2017 11:41 PM, Egor Skriptunoff wrote:
> >On Sun, Jan 29, 2017 at 5:57 PM, Roberto Ierusalimschy wrote:
> >[snip snip snip]
> >>   should 'int' and 'size_t', in C, have the same color?
> >
> >You can make two different highlighting profiles
> >and switch between them depending on your needs.
> Agree, and I can't think of anything really bad as far as modern 
> syntax highlighting is concerned, and styling can always be 
> adjusted to meet personal needs. I don't hear of folks complaining 
> about highlighting in Visual Studio either. So why are some folks 
> not using it? Anyone else who prefer monochrome text who wants to 
> speak up? :-)

  I'll speak up.

  I'm a language maven [1].  I'm not against tools per se (such as code
analyzers or debuggers) but the use of IDEs has *always* mystified me [1]. 
If I had to wait for syntax highlighting before using a langauge, I would
not have learned BASIC, assembly (various flavors), C, Forth, Perl, Ada or
even Lua [2][3][4].  If I need to jump into some PHP, I can.  I can operate
without syntax highlighting [5].  It's the same with respect to debugging. 
I can debug without a debugger, if only because not every language I use
comes with a debugger (see list above).  Yes, they are nice to have, but
for me, not required.

  Note that I am *NOT* saying you are a bad programmer for using a
syntax-highlighting editor, or an IDE, or a debugger.  If that's how you
operate (a tool maven) then fine.  But that's not how *I* operate.

> As far as the single-quoted string example is concerned, the one 
> with an error is highlighted as an error in SciTE using a 
> different background colour up to the right edge of the line -- 
> obvious and crystal-clear, it cannot be missed. If your editor 
> does not do this, then perhaps it should be improved...

  May you never have to debug code on a system without SciTE then.



[2]	When my editor did get Lua syntax highlighting, I could regularly
	crash it by using --[=[ ]=] style block comments (rare, but I do
	need them occationally).

[3]	And it mixes up C syntax (C89 only) with C++ ('class' is *NOT* a
	reserved word in C damnit! And they're different langauges by now! 
	Please stop saying C/C++.  It's C OR C++.  Sorry, pet peeve of

[4]	Yes, I can modify the syntax files.  Great!  Another chore for me to
	do.  And no, I'm not going to change editors.  I've been using the
	one I use now for 20+ years and I don't have to think about it.

[5]	I know vi only because I know it's available on any Unix system
	(note I said vi, *not* vim).  If worse comes to worse, I can program
	using vi [6].  I may not like it, and I'll probably use it just long
	enough to get my preferred editor running on the system.

[6]	And yes, I've done programming on systems that only had vi.  *NOT*
	vim.  VI.  I've used some pretty esoteric systems in my time.