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2017-01-13 9:21 GMT+02:00 William Ahern <>:

> The big break in the 5.x family is _ENV, and the related removal of module
> and function environments. Most changes in 5.2 and 5.3 are feature additions
> that had no analog in previous versions. Most removals were in the C API and
> easily emulated.
> While the move away from module was received well, I think most people felt
> that replacing function environments with _ENV was more of an annoyance and
> needless incompatibility.

Isn't it possible to mimic setfenv and getfenv (inefficiently) in
"pure" Lua 5.3 via the debug library? Which is more kosher
nowadays: "Please resist the temptation to use them as
a usual programming tool" has been deleted from the manual.