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Marc Balmer:
yes, i know they are not equal, but lua programs can run with luajit,
and there is kinda big compatibility. there are a lot of people out
there who are using it, and a higher rank for lua can be only good for
everyone who is using it. i wouldn't say anyway, that luajit is an
ancient unmaintained thing, it's still under development, and still
have excellent performance and flexibility.

i think tiobe has a name, and a lotsa people don't care about it's
backgrund, wich is transparent, but decide for this or that language
by various rankings, comparisons and opinions they can get. none of
these can be flawless, and for sure harder languages are searched more
often for solving things in them, which giving them higher rank. and
about time, i didn't put too much of it into writing them, and i'm not
playing video games or watching funny cat compilation videos in my
free time, i don't even really have that. i only thought this is a
small work, that can achieve much for the lua community, sorry if i've
done something wrong. even writing here already took more time, but no
offense, i'm rare much peaceful, but i'm strange enough to anyone get
me wrong anytime generally.

(off: when i wrote here previously in the hope of speeding up things,
it only consumed much time, so i decided to go forward alone. even if
i wanted to save time on my writing style, which became acceptable
blamed, i got not even a single positive response, or anything that
anyone found interesting hidden between my messy lines. messy because
of time, because my style would come up later automatically, because
testing minds around, and because i'm still being afraid of those what
i wrote there. so i didn't even want to make it crystal clean, nor i
could. that was only a first taste, and a big picture from the
perspective of a bird ... sorry for offtopic, just i've felt like i
owe with this after i got lost, but i think it's not the right time to
open up that box, just informed the people here who saw that scene. i
hope i didn't kill anyone's last good vibes then and now.)