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I am pleased to announce a new release of LuaSQLite3 (lsqlite3), 0.9.4.

LuaSQLite3 provides a means to manipulate SQLite3 databases directly from lua using Lua 5.

The preferred installation is via LuaRocks.

The source code repository is where there is also on-line documentation.

This release brings the following improvements:

LuaSQLite3 is now distributed as two rockspecs. One module, called lsqlite3, is dynamically linked to SQLite3 as in previous releases. The second module, called lsqlite3complete, is statically linked to SQLite3; the SQLite3 3.15.1 amalgamation is packaged with the rock.

- Added support for SQLite3's Online Backup API

- now accepts optional flagthat are passed to SQLite3's sqlite3_open_v2 for additional control over the new database connection

- New functions db:get_ptr() and sqlite3.open_ptr(db_ptr) may be used to pass a db connection between threads (Lua states) as lightuserdata.

- New function db:db_filename(name) to obtain the filename of the 'main' or attached databases.

- Added unit tests for NULs in BLOBs and TEXT columns. (Refute defect report.)

- Now uses lua_createtable() in lieu of lua_newtable() when the number of table elements is known; this improves performance in several common situations.
