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On 11 October 2016 at 12:07, Geoff Smith <> wrote:
> Hello Hisham
> I might as well ask this question again, just on the off chance its been
> fixed (or at least the problem understood ?).
> I have tried several times and wasted lots of hours trying to get LuaRocks
> to work in the past with no joy, I always got a failure at Link time when
> building even a simple library. This was due to the fact that I am a
> LuaForWindows user. Presumably there is an incompatibility there between the
> Lua Binaries in LuaForWindows package and LuaRocks ?

Unfortunately, LuaForWindows includes a version of LuaRocks that is
six years old(!). Is LuaForWindows still being maintained? It seems
so, since there was a release this year at but a number of modules
in it are outdated.

> The advice to fix it was always delete existing Lua51 Binaries and rebuild
> lua from scratch. I wasnt prepared to do that I had lots of projects working
> fine with the LuaForWindows package, I didnt want to risk breaking my
> working projects which would be very likely I think if I got the LuaRocks
> library linking OK.
> For info I was running on Windows 7, Lua 5.1 and trying to build a LuaRocks
> library using MS Visual Studio 2013.

The LuaRocks zip package for Windows includes a Lua 5.1 binary and a
batch installer. However, it is a pure-Lua application, and the
installer accepts flags that allow you to point to the Lua
installation of your choice (e.g. the LfW paths). It also supports
MSVC and MinGW compilers and its installer detects your environment to
make sure it builds binaries compatible with your compiler. Perhaps
your MSVC installation builds libraries that are incompatible with the
LfW binaries?

> Thanks for any update info regarding using LuaRocks after a LuaForWindows
> install.

I think the best way to proceed would be to contact the LuaForWindows
project and ask them to upgrade their LuaRocks installation (and make
sure it is configured so that it works with the rest of their

-- Hisham