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Am 20.06.15 um 09:49 schrieb Roman Tsisyk:
>  Saturday, June 20, 2015 3:56 PM +12:00 from Geoff Leyland < >:
>>> On 18/06/2015, at 9:07 pm, Dirk Laurie < > wrote:
> I'm interested in having formal or informal standardization of Lua DB API as it was done, say, with Python DB-API.
> You can joke about 15 competitive standards, but common, predictive API for all SQL database drivers are mandatory for high-speed software development.
> We can form a working group to do that.

There is a problem with common DB APIs:  It is hard (or even
impossible?) to make use of advanced database features.  You risk to end
up with a DB layer that only covers functionality common to all
supported databases.  That will be very portable on one hand, but little
useful on the other hand.

With luapgsql e.g. I trade portability for completeness:  It is a
complete interface for _PostgreSQL users_.

I think "DB agnostic software" is one of the worst concepts ever...
(ymmv, of course).

- mb