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On 04/06/2015 03:32, Andrew Starks wrote:
On Wednesday, June 3, 2015, Liam Devine <> wrote:

On 04/06/15 00:00, Lorenzo Donati wrote:

Ok, maybe it's nitpicking, but I had the impression that the "last
number is just for bugfix" rule was rather strict.
Doesn't the change in table.move amount to a semantic change (albeit
minimal)? Shouldn't this deserve a minor version bump, i.e. 5.4.0?


Personally, I think that is a valid question. I also questioned, earlier
on IRC, the addition of the string cache in a minor release.

Like all minor releases, this is strictly a bug-fix release;
no new features or improvements have been added.

The cache gives a good improvement, but it is not "as freely" as in Lua.


I would find it confusing if it was revised to 5.4. I respect the point of
view that versions should "mean something." Maybe there is no room for

I've no problem with that kind of pragmatism. I just remember Lua Team was rather strict about semantic changes between minor releases (IIRC they also turned down such "just a little adjustment" proposals before), thus I wondered whether they changed their mind about it.


-- Lorenzo