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2015-05-18 2:24 GMT+02:00 Tim Channon <>:
> There are many XML decoding libraries of varying degrees of capability and
> portability. The focus of these is decode.
> Discussion of regenerating identical XML from the decode seems to get lost
> and particularly when the user has no idea of the XML meaning, simply wants
> to intercept textually known entities within a context.
> I'm trying to do this where I need to hack values in XML as a fix for known
> disability in a major package, ie. a workaround.
> FYI, outputting SVG provides a simple hack target, about recolouring
> interpolated colours when verbatim is needed. I'm highly amused that the
> nameless package involved is stated on various discussion sites as unable to
> draw filled polygons, which would be a solution. The SVG output is... filled
> polygons! You can't make this up.
> Refer to ancient cartoon about the tree swing. So so true in IT.