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2014-08-27 10:54 GMT+02:00 Jonas Thiem <>:

> So what about getting this into the reference manual?
> I think the reference manual should contain the necessary explanation
> how to do a replace without pattern processing. I checked on PiL for a
> lot of things and it has a couple of neat tricks, but this isn't
> something that I should need to check a hint book for (IMHO)

Nothing about your opinions on any post on this list so far has
justified that acronym. Suggest you stick to IMO iin future, or
change it to IMAO, which fits your tone better.

> A simple short side note which tells the reader about ^%W for safely
> escaping all patterns in the section on the standard lib/string.gsub
> would be sufficient.

^%W happens to solve your use case, but there is nothing notable
about it. It merely means "any non-alphanumeric character".