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After doing "sudo luarocks install luaxml' or "sudo luarocks install
LuaXML', I received the message of successful instalation. The "show"
command is also sucessful:

$ luarocks show LuaXML

LuaXML 101012-1 - a module that maps between Lua and XML without much ado

LuaXML provides a minimal set of functions for the processing of XML data in
Lua. It offers a very simple and natural mapping between the XML data format
and Lua tables, which allows one to parse XML data just using Lua's normal
table access and iteration methods: Substatements and text content is
represented as array data having numerical keys, attributes and tags use string
keys. This representation makes sure that the structure of XML data is exactly
preserved in a read/write cycle.

License: 	MIT/X11
Installed in: 	/usr/local


On the commandline, there's no difference between 'luaxml' or
'LuaXML'. On the interpreter, the two writtings produce the same
result: 'module not found'.

I tried also:

package.cpath == package.cpath .. ';/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1'

It's really unblievable. I only have finished the reinstalation of
Ubuntu, so I don't have problems in my system, I have a successful
message of instalation on Luarocks, but even indicating the path with
package.cpath, the module is not found.

It's a mistery!

2014-05-20 1:10 GMT-03:00, luciano de souza <>:
> Unfortunatelly, the result was the same: "Module 'luaxml' is not found".
> Supposing that "pcall(require, 'luarocks')" is the protected version
> of "require('luarocks')", I try also: require('luarocks'). However,
> the module 'luarocks' is also not found.
> 2014-05-20 1:02 GMT-03:00, Coroutines <>:
>> On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 9:00 PM, luciano de souza <>
>> wrote:
>>> $ sudo apt-get install lua5.1
>>> $ sudo apt-get install luarocks
>>> $ sudo luarocks install luaxml
>>> $ lua
>>>> require('luaxml')
>>> "Module 'luaxml' is not found'".
>>> Does someone knows why it occurs and how to solve it?
>> pcall(require, 'luarocks') -- i think.
>> require('luaxml')
> --
> Luciano de Souza

Luciano de Souza