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In §3.4.3, the manual says: "There is no direct conversion from strings
to integers: If a string is provided where an integer is needed, Lua
converts the string to a float and then the float to an integer." It may
forestall some queries if somewhere near this statement, some
reference is made to `tonumber`, which does convert directly to
integers when possible.

2014-03-21 22:44 GMT+02:00 Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo <>:
> Lua 5.3.0 (work2) is now available for testing at
> MD5     52bd13d0b40f637bc388a133b9bb8771  -
> SHA1    e52ea0acf4b2d7bf042f48bd01dddc149d517184  -
> This is a work version. An updated reference manual is included but
> all details may change in the final version. See
> The main change in Lua 5.3.0 is the introduction of integers.
> For other changes, see
> The complete diffs from work1 are at
> Enjoy. All feedback welcome. Thanks.
> --lhf