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On 18/02/2014, Peter Drahoš <> wrote:
> On 18 Feb, 2014, at 16:52 , joao lobato <> wrote:
>> On 18/02/2014, Peter Drahoš <> wrote:
>>> On 18 Feb, 2014, at 16:22 , joao lobato <> wrote:
>>>> Hello list
>>>> Does anyone know if it is possible to use luasql with an Oracle
>>>> database, in Windows (7, if it matters), without building from source?
>>>> In the the luadist directory tree, I see dlls for mysql, postgres and
>>>> sqlite3, but not for the luasql module itself.
>>>> I've downloaded the binaries package. `luadist list` shows
>>>> luasql-2.3.0 as installed. In Lua, require 'luasql' returns the module
>>>> not found error.
>>>> Am I doing something wrong? Are there alternatives for my use case?
>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Hello,
>>> the luasql module is split into multiple “drivers”, each has its own
>>> package
>>> in LuaDist. You can use the mysql driver as follows once you install
>>> luasql-mysql:
>>> local sql = require “luasql.mysql”
>>> This is well documented[1] on the luasql project page.
>>> The package is included in the current batteries release found on
>>>[2] so you just need to download that.
>>> pd
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>> You are suggesting that I use "require 'luasql.mysql'" to talk to an
>> Oracle 11g database? The same documentation suggests "require
>> 'luasql.oic8'".
>> I concede that i missed that one, but I'd say that that isn't "well
>> documented", no matter how "documented" it may be.
> Sorry,
> I misread your message and assumed you wanted to access mysql. While my
> suggestion was accurate the oic8 driver is currently not included in
> LuaDist. Please submit a module request for it here[1] and I’ll see if it
> can be added quickly.
> pd
> [1]

Hmm, I thought I had sent a response.

I will follow your suggestion and submit a request.

As a workaround, I cannibalized the luasql.odbc dll from the last
LuaBinaries release and wrestled with the ODBC monster. A fascinating
tale of incomplete documentation, word size mismatch and
unpleasantness in general.

It worked, though :-)