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On Fri, 3 Jan 2014 15:29:37 +0100, Pierre-Yves Gérardy
<> wrote:

>1 and 5 are the same solution, and you can get them already integrated
>with other goodies at, but in source form only.
>That being said, here are the build instructions:
>>     tar xzvf ngx_openresty-VERSION.tar.gz
>>     cd ngx_openresty-VERSION/
>>     ./configure --with-luajit
>>     make
>>     make install
>> You should have perl 5.6.1+, libreadline, libpcre, libssl
>> installed into your system. For Linux, you should also
>> ensure that ldconfig is in your PATH environment.
>I believe that Nginx supports (Fast)CGI out of the box, no idea for uWSGI.

Thanks for the infos. I was wondering what the options were to run Lua
scripts through Nginx. CGI or running the interpreter embedded in the
HTTP server should be fast enough for my needs.