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Hi Doug,

On 17/04/13 23:44, Doug Currie wrote:
Is there a complete example for LUA 5.2.2 that shows setup, creation, method definition, and garbage collection on userdata,

It is probably larger than you have in mind, but the LuaSQLite3 library does all these things. The C code is at

Thanks for the link and example.

Yes, the ideal would be a small self-contained example, but seeing one way of handling builds with multiple LUA versions is quite useful in and of itself.

I've been using LUA_COMPAT_MODULE in the meantime (I found it while digging through the source). My hope is to get something going, and then go back and update things if needed.

I also stumbled upon this when looking up a different issue:

This *might* be roughly what I was after- I haven't completely wrapped my head around it yet.

Thanks again for the link- much appreciated.
