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I mentioned this a couple of years ago but want to give it another shot as I now have a different reason.

I have found this list a bit intimidating, formal and fairly tense at times.

I wanted a list to ask stupid questions on. I also have trouble writing terse emails and longer less formal ones would be easier to write and more fun.

Being able to post and read emails laced with a bit of humour would be more fun but in the present situation when there are 2K+ subscribers, it's almost certain someone will take offence and the fun is over. A list with >200 people would be more casual and potentially more educational as topics loosely related to Lua but within CS could potentially be discussed too.

Now I want a tutor list for a different reason as well. I am not actually using Lua at the moment but I have learned the basics and have all the references material at hand. I would like to answer all the questions I am capable of, to give back to the community that has tolerated my questions and helped me so much.

There is too much traffic on this list to sit around waiting for simple questions but a tutor list would be easy to monitor and participate with. Years ago I subscribed to the python tutor list. I really enjoyed it but moved on from Python.

This might also keep the signal to noise higher on the main list.
