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2012/8/20 Jerome Vuarand <>:

> I'd like to know how others solved (or didn't solve) that problem: how
> to make Lua 5.1 cohabitate with Lua 5.2 on the "system" (whatever the
> system is)?

It's only a problem when building libraries written in C, since Lua's own
package management is version-aware.  I do this in the Makefile (no C
project is too small for a Makefile).

When making a new Makefile, I copy this stub to the new file before
starting to edit in the new stuff:

# Configuration: LUA must point to your Lua 5.1 or 5.2 include directory
#   and (if 5.1) the corresponding compiler definition should appear in CC

#CC=cc -DLUA_5_1


Yes, the Debian underskirt is showing :-)