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On Sat, Aug 4, 2012 at 9:56 AM, Doug <> wrote:
> Specifically with corona and moai, both statically link lua; perhaps
> because they target ios they feel they have to do this with all their
> builds for consistency's sake. Don't know.

I suppose it makes packaging a lot easier.  Although do they allow
separate extensions?

In that case, bundling extensions within the executable is one way of
sorting out problems.  My Luabuild solves the problem for a limited
number of extensions, but only for Lua 5.2 (it should be fairly easy
to adapt to using Lua 5.1). There the strategy is to 'squish' the Lua
parts together with all Lua application files into a single Lua
archive (using Jay's soar), statically link the C parts, and use lhf's
srlua to glue the archive to the executable.

steve d.