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Alex wrote:
> Okay, so I've installed Linux+Valgrind but I can't compile LuaJIT in 32bit
> mode for it to use the system allocator because Ubuntu doesn't provide the
> debug-symbols-included version of glibc for 32bit programs and Valgrind
> depends on those for redirections.

Valgrind works fine here in 32 bit mode on Ubuntu/x64 10.04. But
then I have a populated /usr/lib/debug/lib32/*, which came from
libc6-dbg. Not sure this is the same for all Ubuntu releases.

> Do I need to compile LuaJIT to use the system allocator to detect buffer
> overruns?


> (Yes I compiled LuaJIT with the valgrind option. Also the GDB JIT stuff
> should work now that I'm on Linux, correct?)

Yes. But that shouldn't affect your Valgrind run, anyway.
