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Dirk Laurie <dirk.laurie <at>> writes:

> Op 16 april 2012 10:31 heeft  <csrl <at>> het volgende geschreven:
> >
> > I'm trying to reconcile documentation to the surprising behavior of the
length operator on a table.
> >
> > Please refer to
> >
> This subject has been discussed to exhaustion many times.  Please visit
> and search for the topic "Possible bug related to table sizes".

Thanks for the response.  I had searched the list archives, perhaps with the
wrong terms as the only thread I came upon that seemed relevant was the thread
discussion the documentation of this section for 5.2 which wasn't very
enlightening.  Although now that I've read the follow up posts here, it
clarifies the finer points that the 5.2 documentation is trying to dance around.

In any case, I did as you suggested:

which resulted in no matches. However, using other search terms based on this
thread's discussion I have now found many related posts.  Thanks.
