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On 4/12/2012 7:35 PM, steve donovan wrote:
On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 1:08 PM, KHMan<>  wrote:
strongly depressed by this kind of negative mantra. Try to apply all your
psychology common sense.

OK, someone makes a snap judgement, the other gets miffed and
complains. What's the harm in that?  That's how equilibrium is
reached; people don't feel defenseless, and maybe some other people
think twice about being nasty. We are all adults, hopefully: the right
to growl is also the obligation to be growled at.[0]

The _particular context_; a person puts time and effort into releasing
source, expecting to get some intelligent feedback. Instead, they get
knee-jerks [1] and people complaining about grammar.[2]

Wha?! I AM discussing precisely the luaprompt and onwards context. This has nothing to do with the earlier stuff.

See the gmane thread on luaprompt onwards. Was Marc's comment nasty? Are we advocating growling now? I believe people were using those words too freely; I do not think that is healthy.

Try to engage in civil discussion and this is what I get.

Kein-Hong Man (esq.)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia