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On Wed, Apr 04, 2012 at 02:24:22PM -0700, Sam Roberts wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 1:48 PM, Marc Balmer <> wrote:
> > While this seems technically possible, it means quite some work.  And I
> > don't really want the files history to be public, the commit messages
> > often contain internal stuff.
> Fair enough. You can rewrite all the history with git pretty easily,
> but it takes some work, for sure.

Or just publish a read-only, static HTTP mirror without any prior history ,
and from then on mind the comments.
	git clone --mirror --depth=1

Then from a cronjob run

	cd http-repo && git fetch && git --bare update-server-info

Et voila! You've published a convenient public repository without exposing
yourself anymore than necessary to the risks of conscription into some
zombie botnet. And you didn't need to install any software, presuming you
already have git and an HTTP server that can serve static pages.

> If you want to build some kind of community around it (doesn't sound
> like you do), and hope to get useful code back, or at least bug
> reports back, you need a project hosting site, like sourceforge. I'm
> not a huge sourceforge fan, though I use it for libnet, but I just
> haven't been able to find anything better, yet. I'd love to here of
> alternatives.

The basic thing you need for a community (e.g., for Lua), is a mailing-list.
Unfortunately, Mailman is a giant PITA to administer, and it's pretty much
the only game in town. Everything else is either unmaintained or similarly
monstrous in terms of the amount of code. More code == bad, generally
speaking, if you're trying not get hacked--which Sourceforge has,
repeatedly, over the years, FWIW.