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On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 9:56 PM, Steve Litt <> wrote:
> Obviously it failed to find strict.lua, but now I have a list
> of places to put strict.lua once I download it. I decided to put it
> in /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/.

Here's a useful little script to have on your path; it copies a Lua
file to the first absolute path on the package path, providing the
simplest possible Lua module installer:

$ sudo linstall ~/lua/lua-5.1.4/etc/strict.lua
$ lua -lstrict
> print(bonzo)
stdin:1: variable 'bonzo' is not declared

(save as ~/bin/linit or some such)

#!/usr/bin/env lua
-- linstall
-- Copy a Lua file onto the Lua package path

function exists(file)
    local f =
    if not f then  return false
    else   f:close();   return true

local filename = arg[1]
if not filename or not exists(filename) then
    return print 'provide an existing Lua file!'

-- find the first absolute path on the Lua package path
local path
for p in package.path:gmatch('[^;]+') do
    if p:match '^/' then -- absolute!
        -- get the path with trailiing slash
        path = p:match ('[^?]+')

-- get the name part of our file...
local mod = filename:match('[%w__]+%.lua$')
-- and do the copy
local res = os.execute(('cp %s %s%s'):format(filename,path,mod))
-- Lua 5.1/5.2 compatible check
if res == nil or res ~= 0 then
   print 'you have to be sudo for this to work!'

A criticism is that it should really check that '/share/' is in the
path, since distros get picky about where you should put things

steve d.