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Bringing this one out of the dead.

At some point it was considered that string.byte would return nil instead of nothing. For example type((''):byte()) bombs now.

- string.byte returns nil for index out-of-range

What was the consensus for keeping the current implementation.
I'm just curious. It's just a matter of better learning for me.

For example:

local a,b,c=(''):byte(),1,2
# nil 1 2

I would've thought this should be

# 1 2 nil

P.S. There is one more peculiarity:

# Note the coma at the end
local a,b,c=('ab'):byte(1,2),
# nil nil nil


On 3/3/2003 3:16 PM, Roberto Ierusalimschy wrote:
Quick list of changes from 4.0  to 5.0:

- coroutines
- lexical scoping
- metatables (x tags)
- weak tables
- generic for
- proper tail call
- boolean type
- new way to handle userdata in the C API (+ light userdata)
- new way to handle errors in the C API
- new functions (time/date, tmpfile, unpack, require, load*, )
- block comments  --[[...]]
- still faster
- better error messages

Quick list of changes from 5.0 beta to final:

- no-nonsense debug info about tail calls
- correct implementation for comparison metamethods
- getn/setn in lauxlib
- two new debug functions to manipulate upvalues
- string.byte returns nil for index out-of-range
- "require" returns value returned by package
- get/setglobals renamed to get/setfenv ("function environment")

-- Roberto