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"You know, if the Raspberry Pi had a normal SVGA connector,
I could connect a wireless mouse and keyboard, and have it control my TV and Stereo via a GUI "

That doesn't make any sense at all.. I'm assuming you mean a VGA connector?
What does that have to do with mice & keyboards?
Either way, the VGA connector is from 1987, so.... time to get a new monitor/tv??

Also, why cant you use MythTV, or play .ogg's??

On 09/03/2012 05:15 AM, Steve Litt wrote:
On Thu, 8 Mar 2012 14:23:14 -0500
Tom Freund<>  wrote:


How about,

1. robot controller

I don't need a robot. Or maybe I don't perceive a need for a robot. If
the robot could actually do something to make my life easier/better I'd
like it, but I'm not Geeky enough to like robots for robots' sake.
2. vehicle diagnostic tool
That's more like it. Trouble is, I don't REALLY need a vehicle
diagnostic tool, because I'd need a second opinion from a mechanic

What I really, really, REALLY need is a fanless MythTV appliance and a
fanless Ogg Jukebox and a tiny fanless OpenBSD/pf firewall, but the
Raspberry Pi's limited connections make those tasks more trouble than
they're worth.

You know, if the Raspberry Pi had a normal SVGA connector, I could
connect a wireless mouse and keyboard, and have it control my TV and
Stereo via a GUI. That lack of SVGA is a big deal. And it's not like I
can ssh -X into it, because the box I use to ssh in would probably have
a fan, reducing the quality of the sound.

I could buy three of them and begin dabbling into clustering. But so
much to learn, so little time.

Anyway, thanks for the suggestions.
