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On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 10:27 AM, Ryan Pusztai <> wrote:
> I forked LuaUnit to make some significant updates to it.

Thanks, I'll be selecting a unit testing approach for an upcoming
project, and I'll look at this.

One suggestion (which won't effect whether I use luaunit, btw), is to
get rid of the CamelCase methods and only use the lower case (maybe
without _), I think its more idiomatic [*], the camel case just looks
like conventions from python/java being converted to lua.

Or if you prefer, do it the other way, but providing multiple names
for every function strikes me as odd, it just complicates the code and
the docs, makes people have to make choices about which ones they want
(or worse, use a mixture of conventions), makes it more surprising
when reading other peoples unit tests, etc. Better to pick a
convention, and stick to it (kind of the point of conventions,


[*] The wiki isn't exactly definitive, but still, says "Some from other
programming backgrounds use CamelCase"